Wednesday, February 04, 2004


sigh, theres a saying in chinese tat says a wave's juz die down, another's coming up...
trying to say after one problem, another prob arises...
first it was the sars, now it's the bird flu...
when is this gonna end??
or are we going to end?
get my drift?
anyway the world would juz get it over wif..

im highly jealous, highly suspicious person..
dunno y...
lack of self confidence, self esteem??
i dunno..
juz tat the feeling would juz arise..
i noe i suck..
im sorry...
i would curb this feeling..
im determined...
this would be my NEW new yr resolution..
wat im gonna do..
man do i suck..
i still hate myself..

this week is a damn busy wk for me...
tuesday, rush my report for my supervisor's viewing pleasure...
wednesday, go for my IAP briefing.. which is a bunch of crap mind u...
thursday, PRAC 3, thrid and final one b4 my tp.. wish me luck...
friday, hendon camp fitness test aka commandoes recruitment act...
for this, u guys can wish tat i fail..
cos i dun wanna be a commando..
waste my time and my life even..
rem the death??
anyway i'll juz let fate decide...

im hooked on mahjong..
blame her mum..
everytime im at her place and they're all bored, out comes the mahjong table..
i muz say, ive been picking it up kinda quick..
but still losing..
been playing for 2 consecutive wkends..
the third's on the way...
nuthin is as stressed as playing wif her dad...
i was practically wet wif my cold sweat...
-shakes head-
but not tat bad lah..
din embarass myself..

tats it for now..
will be back wif more..
if i survive these wks..

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