Wednesday, April 02, 2003


i dun understand..
i really really dun understand...
y is everyone so paranoid??
the older the person is, the higher the paranoia in him/her...

take for example, this noon at bukit merah safra...
the guys and i went to pay for our climbing session at the rock gym..
the usual "auntie" at the counter there saw our student pass and asked us "shouldnt u all be quarantined?"
we tried to explain to her tat out sch wasnt one of those which were quarantined and tat we are allowed to go wherever we wish...
but she kept on saying tat in the confines of the rock gym, we would be even more likely to get the disease...
we juz nodded our head n waited for her to process our application to climb..
inside of me, i was tinking, if the 3 of us have it,
we would pass it on to her already since we toked to her in close proximity and for a substantially long time..

den came my parents..
getting paranoid when i told them i wanna go to malaysia for a makan trip..
they said that i may bring sumthing back and blah blah blah...
and infect the whole family and blah blah blah...
i really wanna go and this shit happens..
damn pissed wif everything now..

heard frm fin he's in the exact same situation..
y muz they over react over such stuff~
my mum say i dunno cos im still young..
maybe true~
im more carefree~
but wat's youth and wat's life if i dun do wat i wanna do when i can..
do u want me to regret not doing these things when im all old and wrinkled..
u're only young once~
tats it~
u dun go forever young like the song goes..

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